three possible scenes

Sara Lucht and Ted Roisum star in “three possible scenes”

Three possible scenes is an attempt to stick to a plan. The story board for this live action cartoon was drawn in one Sunday afternoon. The idea was to make a film with little dialogue, about a man locked out and a woman locked in and not deviate from the storyboard. In a formal sense, this film is really about sound and picture and how they intersect and create the illusion of reality.

The first scene is the result of a challenge: could I make a story out of clear and black leader only?

Ted Roisum (RIP) is the finest actor I have ever worked with and Sara…well, give me a break, she’s got a face that reads like the key to a cypher.

Thanks to Harry Dawson‘s awesome photography and a great crew led by Pamela Richardson. Art direction by Cheryl Donnay was beyond the pale. And thanks to Dave Storrs for the stinging, brilliant music. I must not fail to mention the fly wrangler, Aaron Brown.

The film won best dramatic live action short at River Run International Film Festival and Honorable Mention in the Experimental Category at the Kansas City Jubilee.

Enjoy the next 15 minutes.

three possible scenes: